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Protect your Summer Outdoor Furniture over Winter

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As it starts to get cold, the amount of time you are likely to spend outdoors is limited. The garden you might have spent all spring and summer getting perfect slowly turns to a quagmire, and the expensive furniture you have bought stands unused.

When you have bought garden furniture, you want it to last all year round, even if it can’t be used for part of that year. This means protecting it somewhere for the wetter, colder parts of the year. However, simply piling it all up in the shed or garage does not actually protect it to a great extent. Instead, you need to provide a softer and more supportive space for your furniture to be stored in.

Problems with Storing Garden Furniture

Many garden sheds are not immediately suitable places to store a large amount of furniture. This might be for one or more of a few reasons. Most commonly, sheds have issues with flooring. Standard shed flooring is made of wood, which can easily become damp. Storing soft furniture, or covers for furniture on a damp floor can lead to mould, rot and ruined furniture.

Many garages have a different range of flooring issues, from cracked and broken concrete, to cold or damp areas of flooring. Storing garden furniture on these sorts of floors can damage both the garden furniture and potentially the floor itself.

Rubber Matting for Storage

What then, is the answer to storing your garden furniture over the winter? Rubber Matting from Rubber Matting Online can help you to keep your garden furniture safe, secure and dry for a much longer period of time.

Its non slip, firm rubber surface is perfect for protecting the bases of your furniture from slipping through damaged floors and from becoming wet from cold or damp floors. It also provides a hard wearing, durable and protective surface for your furniture to rest on through the winter. A concrete, stone or brick floor is hard and can wear or damage wooden furniture. Concrete floors can also lead to dust build up, and a rubber mat can help to protect your furniture from this and keep it clean over the winter. Finally, a rubber matting floor is anti-static, meaning that you cannot get a build up of static electricity over winter.

Rubber mats come in a variety of shapes and designs to fit your needs. Depending on the shape of the floor you are covering, you might need to use a rectangular mat, or a sequence of rolls. You can cut our rubber rolls to fit your space exactly, or lay out a mat that is already the right size for you.

To learn more about our range of rubber matting, check out our full range of options here. You can either order online, or get in touch to learn more about your options. We’re always happy to talk to customers about how they can use our mats, or to answer any questions they might have.



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