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How to Choose the Right Stable Matting


Your horse spends a lot of time standing up. In fact, they spend the vast majority of their time on their hooves – even sleeping standing up some of the time. That was fine when they were out on the grass steppes of Central Asia. It’s less easy when they are in a concrete floored stable block in the UK. This is where stable matting comes in handy. Putting down matting makes the stable cleaner, more comfortable and quieter for you and the horse. However, how do you choose the right stable matting?

Hard Wearing

The first thing to consider is how hard wearing the stable matting is. A horse is a large, heavy animal. Hooves themselves can cause damage to matting, and horse shoes can make the situation worse. If you have several horses, some matting can be damaged quickly. It is important, therefore, to consider how hard wearing your matting is. Heavy duty rubber stable matting provides a surface that can last as long as 15 years before replacing.


A good stable matting surface needs to be easy to clean. All horse owners know how much mess a horse can produce. Getting rid of this mess can be made easier with the right type of matting. You can lift a removable mat out to clean it, and put back it when ready. Rubber matting is the hardest wearing, but it is heavy. This does mean it is advisable to have two people on hand to move a rubber mat for cleaning.


The mat you choose is not just about you – it’s about your horse. Concrete is a hard surface to stand on, and radiates cold easily. If you are on your feet almost all the time, any type of stable matting will make you warmer and more comfortable. However, rubber matting does provide a thick and solid layer, both to block out the cold and soften the ground.

Ease of Fitting

Stables are all different sizes, and different shapes. No mat is likely to perfectly fit the area you need. That means that you may have to cut mats to fit the existing area, or manhandle them around to fit overlapping mats in place. One person can move a lighter mat, while heavy duty rubber mats generally need two. You can cut most mats with a sharp stanley knife, or with a jig saw.


Stables can be noisy. If you have neighbours nearby, the sound of horses’ hooves on concrete can be a cause for disagreement. A solid layer of rubber matting deadens the sound of hooves, and reduces the overall noise that may come from your stables.

Stable Matting

Rubber matting is an ideal choice for stable matting. It is hard wearing, lasting up to 15 years without you needing to repair it. Rubber matting is comfortable and supportive for your horse, providing a warmer and softer standing surface. It can be cleaned easily, making mucking out simpler for you. You can order it easily online, with 48hr shipping from Rubber Matting Online.

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