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How to set up a home gym


Going to the gym can be expensive. Memberships always have those little caveats you might not have noticed. Attending classes aren’t always quite as free as you might have hoped. If you want to leave, you might find it a bit harder than you would have expected to. For some people, this might just put you off doing any kind of work out. For growing numbers, however, it means taking their fitness into their own hands, and setting up a home gym.

Find the right space

A gym takes up more space than you might think. If you just wanted to have a single machine somewhere in the house, you might not need a large permanent space – but it wouldn’t really be a gym either. Most people are unlikely to have a whole room to put aside to set up a home gym in. As a result, a garage is likely to be the most common place to do so. A garage has the advantage of space – there is unlikely to be much furniture in there. However, you may need to clean up a bit if you have used the space for storage before. You should also consider the flooring. Gym flooring isn’t generally bare concrete – so you may need to get rubber matting for your home gym floor.

What do you need in a home gym?

You should consider what type of machinery you need in your home gym. A traditional gym has a lot of different machinery. However, how often do you use all of it? Most of us only use a few machines when we go to the gym. As a result, they are probably the only machines you should bother getting for your home gym. To save money and space, consider which machines you will actually use.

Exercise Bike

An exercise bike is one of the most popular pieces of gym equipment for setting up a home gym. They are compact – some even fold up. They provide a good way to get some cardio- heavy exercise in, without risking much damage to your body. You can easily find an exercise bike for around £100, but sturdier models can easily cost a few hundred pounds.

Rowing Machine

A rowing machine is a great way to exercise all of your body at once. They provide exercise for your arms, shoulders and legs, while giving you a thorough anaerobic workout. However, they are one of the most space-using pieces of gym equipment. They can be expensive, so make sure that you are certain you’ll use one before buying.


A treadmill is one of the classic pieces of home-gym equipment. It is larger than an exercise bike, so you are more likely to need a special area for it. However, they don’t tend to be as large as a rowing machine. Most people can use a treadmill to some extent – whether for running or walking. They can get pricey, with many models being upwards of £1,000.


Setting up a home gym with weights can be as complicated or uncomplicated as you want it to be. If you are simply interested in toning your body and building up muscle, then a rack of weights and perhaps a bench is enough. If you are much more into body building, then one of the range of weight machines you might see in a gym would be more appropriate. It is possible to spend as little or as much as you want on weights – a bench and your own body weight is a particularly cheap option, while a series of weight machines might set you back thousands.


Setting up a home gym in your garage can be a fun and rewarding experience. However, there are a few reasons why we don’t usually tend to spend much time in our garages – one of which is the floor. A garage floor is often bare concrete. This can be cold, hard, noisy and dusty. If you are spending a lot of time on such a floor, you might find yourself quickly uncomfortable.

Rubber Gym Mats from Rubber Matting Online can make your home gym a much more comfortable place to spend time. They are heavy duty and hard wearing, able to stand up to heavy footfall or use of machinery. They prevent the spread of dust and reduce the noise and cold that can come from a concrete floor. You can easily fit our mats yourself, and cut them to a perfect fit.

Take a look at our range of rubber gym mats today and see what might be right for you.

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